Routine Sub-Committee

Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)

Dr. Debdas Gayen (Convener)

Dr. Sukla Nandi

Mr. Kalyan Mondal

Mr. Ujjal Roy (Joint Convanor)

Women’s Cell

Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)

Dr. Samana Madhuri( Convener)

Dr. Sukla Nandi

Ms. Runu Show

Ms. Semanti Das

Dr. Mamoni Mahata

Dr. Arpita Gosh

Miss Sujata Goswami

Miss Priyanka Koley

Miss Kakali Ghosh

Miss Anwesa Roy

Miss Mita Samanta

Miss Mousumi Dolui

Miss Maya Bala Tudu

Miss Shubhamita Dutta

Ms. Bharati Gorai

Sport Sub-Committee

Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)

Dr. Tirtha Mondal (Convener)

Dr. Rathin Kr. Pal

Mr. Ujjal Roy

Mr. Sanjoy Dolai

Mr. Santhinath Patra

Mr. Subhajit Roy

Mr. Sandip Ghosh

1. Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (9434223896),            Chairman

2. Dr. Samana Madhuri     (8860424398),                  Member

3. Dr. Tirtha Mondal     (9434249793),                         Do

4. Mr. Subhajit Roy       (8670460960),                          Do

5. Ms. Bharati Ghorai   (9476331391) ,                          Do

Admission Committee

Terms of Reference:

  1. To arrange for annual online admission and counselling of students;
  2. To co-ordinate with different agencies and authorities like online admission portal and web-site vendor, University Authorities and the like;
  3. Supervising the verification of documents connected with students’ admission;
  4. Supervising the Registration of admitted students in VU online Registration Portal for students;
  5. Any other matter incidental or ancillary to issues of students’ admission, verification of submitted documents, registration of students and the like.
Admission Committee
1. Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (chairperson) 7. Mr. Anirban Dey, (Act H.C.)
2. Mr. Anit Paladhi (G.B. Member, Govt. Nominee) 8. Mr. Soumen Mondal
3. Mr. Debdas Gayen (Convener) 9. Mr. Subrata Ash
4. Dr. Sukla Nandi 10. Ms. Banashri Mandal (Roy)
5. Dr. Indadul Khan 11. Mr. Sourav Mukhopadhyay
6. Dr. Tirtha Mondal    


Academic Committee

Terms of Reference:

  1. To Oversee the general academic environment of the College;
  2. To co-ordinate in respect of routines for different faculties and classes;
  3. To Oversee the attendance of the students in their respective classes;
  4. To promote, make and supervise e-teaching and e-learning methods (including regular use of smart class room, development of soft copies in respect of teaching-learning input and output and so on)
  5. To make an academic calendar in compliance with the academic calendar circulated by the University from time to time;
  6. To schedule the internal assessment tests to be taken by different departments;
  7. To make arrangement for circulation of materials required to be circulated to students from time to time in compliance with the instructions from the Office of the Principal;
  8. Any other matter incidental or ancillary to issues of academic environment of the College.
Academic Sub-Committee
1 Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chairperson)
2 All Head of the Department
3 Mr. Anirban Dey (ACT, Head Clerk)
4 Mr. Soumen Mondal
5 G.S. / A student nominee


Examination Sub-Committee
1. Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chairperson)
2. Dr. Manmohan Guru (Convener)
3. Dr. Sukla Nandi
4. Mr. Sudarshan Chakraborty
5. Dr. Mamoni Mahata
6. Dr. Partha Roy Chowdhury
7. Mr. Anirban Dey


Terms of Reference:

To perform all the activities as per the statue of affiliating University, i.e., Vidyasagar University and applicable customs & orders / general guidelines issued by competent concerned authorities from time to time relating to financial transactions and overall management of financial resources in any academic institutions





Mr. Arup Dhara, President G.B.


Dr. Manoranjan Goswami,Principal


Dr. Subhrajit Dutta, TR


Mr. Ramkrishna Roy, VU Nominee, GB


Mr. Anit Paladhi, GB member,Govt. Nominee


Mr. Shovanlal Chakraborty NTS Representative


Bursar (Invitee Member )

Provident Fund Sub-Committee:

Terms of Reference:

  1. To look after the opening and regular updating of Provident Fund of all employees of the College;
  2. To look after the status of Provident Fund Accumulated Balances of employees;
  3. To supervise the work relating to withdrawals (refundable or non-refundable) from Provident Fund Account of any employee;
  4. Any other incidental or ancillary matter.



1. Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chairperson)
2. Dr. Sukla Nandi (Convener)
3. Dr. Partha Ray Chowdhury
4. Dr. Manmohan Guru
5.. Mr. Anirban Dey
6. Mr. Rabindranath Mondal
7. Miss. Bharati Ghorai


College Building Sub-Committee

Terms of Reference:

  1. To propose construction of building projects at different sites of the College;
  2. To supervise the execution of the building projects;
  3. To check the progress of the building projects;
  4. To check that all the necessary papers like engineering drawing, estimate and other relevant papers are in order and are vetted wherever necessary;
  5. To authenticate billing as to the compliance of technical and non-monetary specifications of any project undertaken under its supervision;
  6. To supervise regular repair & maintenance of college premises;
  7. Any other matter incidental or ancillary to issues of different building projects of the College
1. Dr. ManoranjanGoswami (Chair Person)
2. Mr. Kalyan Mondal (Convener)
3. Mr. Ujjal Roy
4. Dr. Tirtha Mondal
5. Mr. Tarun Santra
6. Mr. Suvajit Roy

Terms of Reference:

  1. To look after the issues relating to purchase and procurement of different items of goods and services needed by the College especially to include the followings:
  1.  To analyse quotations submitted by prospective vendors/suppliers;
  2. To ensure all documentation is accurately completed;
  3. To ensure that the supplies/services quoted for complying with what was requested on the SR;
  4. Seek clarification from suppliers/service providers where necessary;
  5. To request technical input from relevant staff as required;
  6. In certain contexts, it may be appropriate for some or all members of the PC to be directly involved in the collection of quotations;
  7. Ensuring proportionality, transparency, accountability and fairness in the procurement process;
  8. Involvement in the evaluation discussion;
  9. The PC should also be assigned a role within the supplier pre-qualification process;
  10. and the like;
  1. Any other matter incidental or ancillary to the above noted terms of references.

Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)

Dr. Sukla Nandi (Convenor)

Dr. Subhrajit Dutta,TR  ( Bursar)

Ms. Semanti Das

Mr. Sudarshan Chakraborty

Dr. Tirtha Mondal

Mr. Anirban Dey

 Mr. Sovonlal Chakraborty

Cultural Sub-Committee


Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)

Dr. Rathin Kr. Pal (Convener)

Dr. Debdas Gayen

Dr. Mamoni Mahata

 Mr. Kalyan Mondal

Ms. Runu Show

Mr. Chandrakanta Paik

Mrs. Mithu Bhunia

Mr. Subhajit Roy

 G.S. Students’ Union

Research Committee for science

1. Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chairperson)
2. Dr. Subhrajit Dutta (Convener)
3. Dr. Partha Roy Chowdhuri
4. Dr. Sukla Nandi
5. Dr. Indadul Khan


Research Committee for Humanities and Social science

1. Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chairperson)
2. Dr. Manmohan Guru (Convener)
3. Dr. Rathin Kumar Pal
4. Dr. Samana Madhuri
5. Dr. Mamoni Mahato
6. Dr. Tirtha Mondal
7. Dr. Debaditya Chakraborty


Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)

1. Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chairperson)
2. Dr. Rupa Dasgupta, VU Nominee, GB (Convener)
3. Mr. Anit Palodhi, Member, G.B. Govt. Nominee
4. Mr. Sudarshan Chakraborty
5. IQAC Coordinator
6. Dr. Samana Madhuri
7. Mr. Anirban Dey, (Act, Head Clerk )
8. Namita Pal



Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Principal)


Mr. Ujjal Roy (Convenor)


Mr. Kalyan Mondal


Mr. Biswajit Tudu


Mr. Rabindranath Mondal

6 Ms. Bharati Ghorai

SL. No

Name of the Member


Dr. Manoranjan Goswami(Chairperson)


Mr. Sudarshan Chakraborty (Convenor)


Dr. Samana Madhuri


Mr. Debdas Gayen


Mr. Anirban Dey

SL. No

Name of the Member


Dr. Manoranjan Goswami(Chairperson)


Dr.  Indadul Khan(Convener)


Mr. Asad Ali Sarkar


Aleya  khatun


  Name of the Member


Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chairperson)


Dr.Rathin Pal(Convener)


Ms. Runu Show


SK. Abdul Sahid

Grievance Redressal Cell

Terms of Reference:

(1) To look into the academic matters such as timely issue of Mark-sheets or duplicate copy of it Transfer Certificate, Character certificate, or such other certificates;

(2) To look into financial matters such as fee structure, payment procedure, not receiving money receipt as and when collection is made and the like;

(3) To look into matters pertaining to certain misgivings about conditions of sanitation, preparation and quality of food in canteen or hostel, availability of adequate transport and communication facilities, victimisation of by any staff member of the College and the like;

(4) To encourage the students to express their grievances/ problems freely and frankly without any fear of being victimised with the objective of maintain healthy student-student, student-teacher and student-staff relationships;

Chairman: Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)

Convenor: Dr. Samana Madhuri (Convener)



  1. Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chairperson)
  2. Dr. Samana Madhuri (Convener)
  3. Dr. Rathin Kumar Pal
  4.  Dr. Mamoni Mahata
  5.  Mr. Ujjal Roy
  6. Mr. Sudarshan Chakraborty
  7. Mrs. Aleya Khatun


Incubation Cell

1. Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chairperson)
2. Dr. Subhrajit Dutta (Convener)
3. Dr. Rathin Kumar Pal
4. Dr. Indadul Khan
5. Dr. Manmohan Guru
6. Mr. Sudarshan Chakraborty
7. Mr. Kalyan Mondal
8. Ms. Runu Show
9. Dr. Sukla Nandi
10. Dr. Samana Madhuri
11. Dr. Tirtha Mondal
12. Students’ Representative of Humanities & Social Science Dept.
13. Students’ Representative of Science Dept.


Center for Adivasi Studies Committee

1. Mr. Arup Kr. Dhara, President, GB
2. Dr. Manoranjan Goswami, Principal
3. Mr. Biswajit Tudu (Convener)
4. Prof. (Dr.) Ratan Hembram
5. Mr. Shyam Charan Tudu
6. Dr. Kshudiram Murmu
7. Dr. Debdas Gayen, TCS
8. Dr. Subhrajit Dutta, TR
9. Mrs. Maya Bala Tudu
10. Mr. Chandrakanta Paik, Librarian
11. Mr. Anirban Dey (ACT, Head Clerk)
12. Mr. Sovanlal Chakraborty, NTS
13. Mrs. Champa Hemram
14. Ms. Chandmoni Murmu, Nominated Student
15. Mr. Sanjoy Mandi, Nominated Student


1. Mr. Ujjal Roy, Nodal Officer



1. Dr. Indadul Khan, Nodal Officer



1. Mr. Santhinath Patra, Programme Officer



1. Dr. Partha Roy Chowdhuri, Nodal Officer



1. Dr. Subhrajit Dutta, Nodal Officer



1. Mr. Biswajit Tudu, Nodal Officer



1. Mr. Sourav Mukhopadhyay, Nodal Officer



1. Dr. Rathin Kr. Pal, Nodal Officer


UGC Saksham Portal

1. Mrs. Subhamita Dutta, Nodal Officer


Library Sub-Committee

Terms of Reference:

  1. To formulate various policies related to library functions like purchase of books, cataloguing, book lending, reading room etc.
  2. To propose library budget for the institute and its various departments;
  3. To propose library vision and strategy document;
  4. To maintain and upgrade library facilities;
  5. To promote library automation;
  6. To organise library awareness programmes for better utilisation of library facilities;
  7. To create academic material archive;
  8. Any other incidental and ancillary matter.



Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)

Mr. Chandrakanta Paik (Convener)

Dr. Manmohan Guru

Dr. Rathin Kumar Pal

Dr. Partha Roy Chowdhury

Mr. Sudarshan Chakraborty

Mrs. Namita pal

Mr. Biplab Roy

                                                                           NAAC Steering committee

Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)

Dr. Samana Madhuri (Co-Ordinator)

Dr. Sukla Nandi

Dr. Manmohan Guru

Mr. Anindya Mondal

Dr. Indadul Khan

Mr. Sudarshan Chakraborty

Dr. Debaditya Chakraborty

Mr. Soumen Mondal


                 UGC Sub-Committee


Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)


Dr. Parth Roy Chowdhury (Convener)


Dr. Rathin Kr. pal


Dr. Subhrajit Dutta, Bursar, TR


Mr. Rabindranath Mondal

Career Counselling Cell



Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)

Dr. Sukla Nandi (Convener)

Prof. Anindya Mondal

Ms. Runu Show

Mr. Ujjal Roy

Dr. Indadul Khan

Mr. Anirban Dey

Mr. Soumen Mondal



Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)


Ms. Semanti Das, (Co-ordinator)


Dr.Subhrajit Dutta


Mr. Kalyan Mondal


Mr. Anindya Mondal


Dr. Indadul Khan


Dr. Samana Madhuri


Dr. Tirtha Mondal


Dr. Susanta Dolai, G.B Member


Mr.Anirban Dey


Mr. Tarun Santra


Mr. Ranjit Dandapat (Industrialist)

13. Mr. Shymal Bhattacharya (External member)




Dr. Manoranjan Goswami (Chair Person)


Ms. Semanti Das, (Co-ordinator)


Dr.Subhrajit Dutta


Mr. Kalyan Mondal


Mr. Anindya Mondal


Dr. Indadul Khan


Dr. Samana Madhuri


Dr. Tirtha Mondal


Dr. Susanta Dolai, G.B Member


Mr.Anirban Dey


Mr. Tarun Santra


Mr. Ranjit Dandapat (Industrialist)

13. Mr. Shymal Bhattacharya (External member)